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靠著Stephen Curry的火熱表現,勇士在第四節開局時還握有19分領先,沒想到灰熊就此展開絕地大反攻,Zach Randolph和Troy Daniels接連搶分,在比賽剩下1分鐘時勇士的優勢已化為烏有,僅以2分領先。
讀秒階段灰熊由Mike Conley持球,本季聯盟最高薪的Conley證明自己絕對符合身價,漂亮後撤步甩開Draymond Green防守,中距離跳投得手追平比數,打出氣勢的灰熊在延長賽靠著Marc Gasol和Randolph聯手搶下最後勝利。
總計Randolph和Conley皆攻下全隊最高27分,Gasol拿下23分,Troy Daniels在第四節以及延長賽共投進3記三分球,全場共拿下12分。
Curry攻下全場最高40分,但他在延長賽1分未得,即便Kevin Durant也有27分13籃板的好表現,勇士依然吞下敗仗,主場連勝告終。
▲Mike Conley關鍵跳投命中,將比賽帶入延長賽。(影片取自YouTube連結)
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Minnesota Timberwolves' Karl-Anthony Towns, left, eyes the basket as he drives around Dallas Mavericks' Harrison Barnes during the first quarter of an NBA basketball game Monday, Jan. 9, 2017, in ... 較多Minnesota Timberwolves' Karl-Anthony Towns, left, eyes the basket as he drives around Dallas Mavericks' Harrison Barnes during the first quarter of an NBA basketball game Monday, Jan. 9, 2017, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Jim Mone) 較少
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Associated Press | 拍攝者 Jim Mone
2017年1月10日週二 台北標準時間上午9時45分
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